Pretty cool guy

Материал из Неолурк, народный Lurkmore
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Pretty cool guy — мем борды /b/ форчана ещё тех времен, когда последний был тортом. Один из немногих действительно смешных не форсед-мемов, созданных школотой.


Тот самый тред

Вечером 2 декабря 2007 года от рождества Христова перед битардами предстал тред, посвященный главному герою yoba-игры Halo 3, в котором автор выражал свою искреннюю любовь и обожание последнему. Сам текст выглядел так:

I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.

Летящего на крыльях ночи говна в автора замечено не было по той простой причине, что и Grammar Nazi, и просто фанаты игры упали без сознания первыми.

Тем не менее, уже к следующему утру тред оброс разнообразной копипастой, и лулзы потекли рекой, Epic Win был засчитан безоговорочно. Впрочем, как и все хорошее, в настоящее время мем уже морально устарел и вызовет улыбку разве что у человека с ним не встречавшегося. Но ересью будет не отметить, что из-за зашкаливающих показателей на вин-о-детекторе этот процесс прошел значительно быстрее обычного, что одновременно удручает и заставляет верить в то, что не перевелись ещё на этом глобусе по-настоящему смешные вещи. God bless 4chan!

I think Grammar Reiсh is a pretty cool guy. eh shoots grammar untermensch and doesnt afraid of anything[править]

Конвертировано в jpg

Как милосердно поясняет нам фюрер, автор допускает грубейшие лексические и грамматические ошибки, которые так сильно бросаются в глаза, что и пояснение к оным не требуется. Ну разве что Halo это не имя персонажа, а название игры. И соответственно в макро на место «Halo» ставится не непосредственно ФИО некоего персонажа, а название того, благодаря чему он стал героем. Впрочем, лучше один раз прочитать:

  • I think Jews is a pretty cool guy. eh did WTC and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Faggots is a pretty cool guy. eh kisses boys and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think CP is a pretty cool guy. eh gets pedos vannd and doesnt afraid of anything.
MOAR копипасты (красный текст вызван пастингом из драматики)
  • I think Minecraft is a pretty cool guy. eh pisses off people who play Crysis and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Cluedo is a pretty cool guy. eh gets the guy wot murderd and doesnt afraid of anything
  • I think Fucking Magnets is a pretty cool guy. eh becomes an lolcow and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Holocaust is a pretty cool guy. eh kills jews and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Half-Life is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aliens and marines and doesnt afraid of anything
  • I think æ is a pretty cool guy. eh kills teh wikipedia and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Bioshock is a pretty cool guy. eh kills splicers and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Oblivion is a pretty cool guy. eh stops criminal scum and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Lesbians is a pretty cool guy. eh kisses girls and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Youtube is a pretty cool guy. eh sucks viacoms dick and is afraid of everything.
  • I think Doctor Who is a pretty cool guy. eh kills daleks and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Star Trek is a pretty cool guy. eh goes where no fox has gone before and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think 24 is a pretty cool guy. eh tortures sand niggers and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Biology is a pretty cool guy. eh examiens microorganisms and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Large hardon collider is a pretty cool guy. eh destroys the universe and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think 4chan is a pretty cool guy. eh makes up this shitty meme and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Yes we can is a pretty cool guy. eh pwns america and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Watchmen is a pretty cool guy. eh lives on mars and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Mexico is a pretty cool guy. eh cuased rectal bleeding and doesnt afraid of madagascar.
  • I think Desu is a pretty cool guy. eh says DESU DESU DESU and doesnt afraid of saying desu.
  • I think Bleach is a pretty cool guy. eh kills hollow people and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Mah boi is a pretty cool guy. eh wonders what gannons up to and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think ghostbusters is a pretty cool guy. eh crosses streams and doesnt afraid of no ghost.
  • I think ED is a pretty cool guy, eh creates drama and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Star wars is a pretty cool guy, eh makes out with his sister and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Trap is a pretty cool guy. eh kills heterosexuality and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think silence of the lambs is a pretty cool guy. eh puts the fucking lotion in the basket and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think AT&T is a pretty cool guy. eh blocks Anon and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Animal Crossing is a pretty cool guy. eh sells ihs bleu mirlans and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think An hero is a pretty cool guy. eh kiled himself over a ipod and got too play falout tree.
  • I think zombie kid is a pretty cool guy. eh likes turtles and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think voice of generation is a pretty cool guy. eh lets you finish and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Metal Gear Solid is a pretty cool guy. eh beated metal gear and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think The Bible is a pretty cool guy. eh kills people, impedes scientific progress, starts wars, and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think taxi driver is a pretty cool guy. eh saves lolis from pimps and doesnt afraid of bullets
  • I think Pretty cool guy is a pretty cool guy. eh doesnt afraid of anything and and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Stargate is a pretty kewl guy. eh has glowing eyes and doesnt afraid of sgc.
  • I think Chocolate Rain is a pretty cool guy. eh moves away from the mic to breathe in and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think communism is a pretty cool guy. eh trolls everyone and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think acorn is a pretty cool guy eh rigs election and doesnt afraid of democracy.
  • I think waldo is a pretty cool guy eh hides in crowds and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Loituma is a pretty cool guy. eh spins leeks and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Happy Tree Friends is a pretty cool guy. eh mercilessly kills and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Dead Space is a pretty cool guy. eh dismembers aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Mass Effect is a pretty cool guy. eh fucks aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think poker face is a pretty cool guy. eh has a pneis and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think 30 seconds to mars is a pretty cool guy. eh looks like a fag and gott his as beat in fight cluhb and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think jersey shore is a pretty cool guy. eh is a dirty guidos and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think a song of ice and fire is pretty cool guy. eh says winter is coming and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Windows 7 is a pretty cool guy. eh kills vitsa and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Avatar is a pretty cool guy. eh saevs smurfs and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Colonel Quaritch is a pretty cool guy. eh kills na'vi and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Troll is a pretty cool guy. eh STFU's poeple and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Binkers is a pretty cool guy. eh knew all along and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Nintendo is a pretty cool guy. eh stomps goombas and doesnt afraid of anything
  • I think Metroid is a pretty cool guy. eh kills random shit and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Metroid is a pretty cool girl seh has morph balls and doesnt afraid of mother brain.
  • I think Star Fox is a pretty cool guy. eh perferms barrel rolls and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think triforce is a pretty cool guy. eh shots his sword at ganon and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Pokémonz is a pretty cool guy. eh wants to catch em all and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think niggerjack is a pretty cool guy. eh steWHERE THE FUCK IS MY XBOX??
  • I think I AM A MOTHERFUCKER is a pretty cool guy. eh beats up niggas and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think 9/11 is a pretty cool guy. eh blows up the WTC and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Goatse is a pretty cool guy. eh pulls his ass open and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think USA is a pretty cool guy. eh kills allies with friendly fire and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think (Insert name/event/title) is a pretty cool guy. eh (Insert defeating a certain foe/performing an action relevant to the previous object) and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Moonwalk is a pretty cool guy. eh touches kids and dies and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Cowboy Bebop is a pretty cool guy. eh smokes cigarettes and doesnt afraid of anything
  • I think Horde is a pretty cool guy. eh pwns ally and doesnt afraid of anything
  • I think black metal is a pretty cool guy. eh burns churches and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Pool's Closed is a pretty cool guy. eh raids Habbo and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think New testament is a pretty cool guy. eh dies to redeem our sins and doesnt afraid anything.
  • I think Starcraft is a pretty cool guy. eh does Zerg rush and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • T think Psychonauts is a pretty cool guy . eh is a psychic Russian midget with the voice of a beaver and doesn't afraid of anything.
  • I think Mars Volta is a pretty cool guy. eh maeks bad acid trip music and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Mossad is a pretty cool guy. eh kills peace-activists and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think United States is a pretty cool guy. eh addresses the public and doesnt consider cleanup efforts...
  • I think PalComix is a pretty cool guy. eh raeps everybodys childhoods and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Guitar Hero is a pretty cool guy. eh pisses off people who play real guitar and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Journey is a pretty cool guy. eh took the midnight train and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Soviet Russia is a pretty cool guy. eh kills Apollo Creed and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Encyclopedia Dramatica is a pretty cool guy. eh starts drama and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Scooby-Doo is a pretty cool guy. eh solves mysteries and does afraid of everything
  • I think thy is a pretty cool guy. eh traumatize everyone and doesnt afraid of anything
  • I think Chris Hansen is a pretty cool guy. eh catches predators and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Final Fantasy XIII is a pretty cool guy. eh trolls fanboys and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think The Boondocks is a pretty cool guy. eh makes fun of niggers and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think God of War is a pretty cool guy. eh kills gods and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think it's fun to do bad things is a pretty cool guy. eh smokes wit cigurettes and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Israel is a pretty cool guy. eh trolls muslims and doesnt afraid of anything
  • I think Twilight is a pretty cool guy. eh turns on goth chiks and doesnt afraid of sunlight.
  • I think Rossini is a pretty cool guy, eh composes operas and doesnt afraid of a poem of bragi.
  • I think Zelda is a pretty cool guy. eh saves teh princess and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Scott is a pretty cool guy. eh hits the G-spot every time.
  • I think 1man1jar is a pretty cool guy. eh harms his anus and doesnt afraid of enything.
  • I think IRA is a pretty cool guy. Eh performs epic bait and switch on britfag and doesn't afraid of anything.
  • I think Devil may cry is a pretty cool guy. eh shoots the demons and kills his brother and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Doom is a pretty cool guy. eh kills cacedomons and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Nirvana is a pretty cool guy. eh shoots himself and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Nomad is a pretty cool guy. eh robs some caravans and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Vovan is a pretty cool guy. eh swims in shit and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Copypasta is a pretty cool guy. eh is pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Breivik is a pretty cool guy. eh kills children and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Candlejack is a pretty cool guy. eh steals pe.
  • I think Cave Story is a pretty cool guy. eh shoots Balrog and doesnt afraid of anything.
  • I think Epic Sax Guy is a pretty cool guy. eh plays saxophone and humps air and doesnt afraid of anything.


  • «Я думаю, Halo довольно крутой парень. Он убивает пиршельцев и не боится ничего .» — правильный перевод
  • «По-моему, Halo довольно крут. но убивает прешильцев и не бояться ничего .» — адекватный перевод
  • «Я думаю Хало милый крутой парень. Но убивает алиенсов и не есть боятся чего-либо.» — надмозг
  • «Я думаю, что Halo является очень крутой парень. а убивает aleins и оленья кожа боится ничего.» — Гугл
  • «Я думаю, что Ореол — довольно спокойный парень. а убивает aleins и doesnt испуганный чего-нибудь.» — Мейл.сру
  • «Я думаю, что Ореол — довольно прохладный парень. а убивает aleins и doesnt, боящийся чего — нибудь.» —
  • «Думаю, что Halo является довольно прохладно парня. а убивает aleins и не боятся ничего.» — яндекс.транслейтор.
  • «Хало крут, а ты — задрот!» — Капитан Очевидность


А вы думали, что хороший годный винрар обойдется без графической адаптации? Вот уж йух. В скором времени после успеха копипастинга появилось именно то, что вы подумали.

По первой же из фотожаб были установлены стандарты написания и, соответственно, exploitable edition. Изначальный канон о невозможности упоминания имени героя претерпел изменения в качестве снятия оного. Само же имя принято писать крупным красным шрифтом.

I think gallery is a pretty cool guy. eh has pictuers and doesnt afraid of anything[править]

См. также[править]

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50px-4chan.png Лиса орёт, орёл гудит, в моем дворе есть сталактит
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Маскоты[Pedobear / Serious Cat / Yotsuba / Длиннокот]
Камвхоры[Boxxy / Chin-chan / Cracky-chan / Creepy Chan / Line Trap / Я Бог / Sminem]
Люди[Moot / Uncle Anon / WT Snacks / Джейк Брам]
Мемы[30-Year-Old Boomer / 4chan City / 4chan level otaku / A cat is fine too / A challenger appears / Advice Dog / Alt-Right / An hero / At first I was like X, but then I was like Y / Awesome / Basement Cat / Bayeux Tapestry / Bitches and whores / Brb, church / Brian Peppers / BRILLIANT / Candlejack / Ceiling Cat / Cereal Guy / Cheer Up Keanu Day / Cockmongler / Dat ass / DESU / Do a Barrel Roll / DO IT FAGGOT / Doge / Doing it wrong / Epic Fail Guy / EMPEROR OF CATKIND / ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT / Evil Ambassador / Excited Fists Guy / Facepalm / Ffruustration / Fgsfds / Finger Box / FUCK YEAH SEAKING / Fukken saved / GAR / Gentlemen / Giant Enemy Crab / Give Her The Dick / Goofy Time / HA HA HA, OH WOW / Happy Negro / He Will Not Divide Us / Hide The Pain Harold / Horrifying House Guest / How do I shot web / I accidentally X / I came / I don't think you have an X. Enjoy your Y. / IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR / It's dangerous to go alone! Take this. / It’s Magic / IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND! / Jailbait / Jesus lol / Jesus saves / Katawa Shoujo / Keyboard Cat / LOL WUT / LOLI HAET PIZZA / MAH BOI / Meanwhile in X / Mindfuck / Mudkip / Multi-Track Drifting / NEEDS MOAR LESBIAN COSPLAYERS / Octocat / Oh, exploitable! / OM NOM NOM NOM / Party Hard / Partyvan / Peanut Butter Jelly Time / Pretty cool guy / Put shoe on head / QUALITY / Raptor Jesus / Reaction guy / Robot Unicorn Attack / SAEM PERSUN / Sandwich Chef / Shit bricks / SHOOP DA WHOOP / Shotacat / Slenderman / So cash / Son, I am disappoint / Stick it in her pooper / Suddenly / Suiseiseki / Techno Viking / That Fucking Cat / The Game / The Ha! Ha! Guy / TIME PARADOX / Titty Monster / Triforce / Trollface / U MAD / Unlimited Works / WataMote / We Wuz Kangz / What the fuck am I reading / WHEN I WAS / Where is your X now? / Why so serious? / Woll Smoth / X? In my Y? / Xbox is hueg / Xbox 360 Kid / Yandere Simulator / Yo dawg / Your resistance only makes my penis harder / Zalgo / Субкота / Дед Гарольд, скрывающий боль / Валюты имиджборд / Dissected-chan / Кенни Гленн / Zoomjap / Хаббо / No way fag / Мерула Снайд / Финно-корейская гипервойна / Голодные игры / X, X everywhere / Kill it with fire / Tl;dr]